

7 Sensual Scenarios for Summer Love

christian intimacy products, sex furniture, massage kit for couples

Summer is here, and things are getting hot. Send your marriage over the boiling point with sensual scenarios for lasting love and intense intimacy. This article will discuss seven suggestions to help enhance your relationship regardless of the season.

Sensual Scenarios for Satisfied Spouses

Summer is the most common time for weddings, honeymoons, and anniversaries. But you can make it hot in your bedroom regardless of the season. Turn your sensual summer scenarios into a winter wonderland and enjoy lasting intimacy with your spouse. Here’s how:

Savor the Flavor
Intimacy in marriage is about taking in your partner’s essence and basking in its deliciousness. Sweet kisses and luscious licks can add some flavor to your relationship. It’s also a great way to begin flexing your oral muscles for years of loving lip service.

Need some ideas to boost your taste buds? We made you a checklist.

  • Flavored Condoms – Choose textured or smooth for a customized experience.
  • Flavored Lubricants – Pick your favorite recipes for a matrimonial meal.
  • Edible Underwear – Ready for dessert?

Use intimate items designed for consumption instead of playing with ordinary household ingredients. Syrup and honey might sound terrific, but your body chemistry could disagree. Set the scene with hypoallergenic products to avoid a catastrophe.

Try Temperature Play to Save the Day
Temperature play during sex can heighten senses, dull pain, stimulate nerve endings, and enhance your lovemaking sessions. This is one of the easiest and most cost-effective intimacy boosters known to married-kind. Variable temps can also hasten or prolong sex, depending on how and when you use it.

Ready for more than you ever dreamed possible? Create a scenario with the following items:

  • Waterproof Sex Toys – Dunk vibrators underwater to tailor the surface temperature.
  • Warming Lubes – Heat your skin before or during sex to experience new sensations.
  • Tingling Lubes – Bring nerve endings to the skin’s surface for easier contact.
  • Cooling Lubes – Calm irritation and reduce pain while experimenting with your spouse.

Always use lubrication that’s compatible with your sex toys and skin type. For many people, this means purchasing a high-quality water-based lube. Read the ingredients for more information.

Put Pulse Air Down There
Pulse Air Technology is exciting, efficient, and effective. It allows you to feel various sensations without direct contact with your skin. This helps reduce regional desensitization while ensuring an intense orgasm. It’s also cleaner and less invasive than traditional sex toys.

Need some pointers on this sextech innovation? Warm up or cool down with these sexy strategies:

Use Pleasure Air Technology as directed by the product manufacturer. Read your owner’s manual and practice safe sex with adequate cleanliness and maintenance.

Smell the Scents of Satisfaction
Did you know that aromatherapy can change your mood? It can also relieve stress, help you relax, and ignite your libido. A few drops of essential oil into a diffuser or about 30 minutes with a scented candle makes a tremendous atmospheric difference.

Craving a whiff of the good stuff? We’ve compiled a list of ideas.

  • Aphrodisiacs – These unique scents contain pheromones to naturally turn on your spouse.
  • Massage Oils & Candles – Set the mood with a sensual rub-down of your partner’s favorite places.
  • Body Paints – Turn your spouse’s body into a sweet-smelling work of art you can eat.
  • Bubble Bath – Create a soapy surprise with a scented splash and a sexy toy.

Aphrodisiacs are also potent when setting the scene for sex with your spouse. Check the label for specifics, and then test each product to determine its efficacy.

Dress Up to Get Down
Playing dress up with your lover is arousing and adventurous. It allows you to experiment with different scenarios, personalities, and looks while honoring your commitment. Dressing up for sex also invites spontaneity to foster intimacy on a fun and whimsical level.

Looking for some confidence to go with your costume? These are our favorite suggestions:

  • Role Play Gear – Transform into a fantasy lover without leaving the bedroom.
  • Lingerie – Flirt with your spouse wearing figure-flattering outfits that reveal your body.
  • Body Jewelry – Accentuate curves and costumes with shiny jewels draped against your skin.

Remember, you must feel confident in what you’re wearing and doing, to enjoy sex and build intimacy. So, talk to your spouse about their expectations and voice your concerns before role-playing as a couple.

Visit the Sensory Deprivation Station
Depriving your senses can have a net positive effect on your sex life. It might sound counterintuitive, but removing sight or restricting movement helps excite your other senses like hearing and feeling. This makes sensual massages, foreplay, and touching more intense.

How do you enjoy sensory deprivation safely? Here’s your answer:

  • Handcuffs & Restraints – Remove your partner’s freedom to move while you ravage their body.
  • Blindfolds – Give a sweet surprise when your spouse can’t see you coming.
  • Penis Rings – Prolong sex and stop premature ejaculation by temporarily limiting blood flow.

Get kinky with your spouse to create a shared experience that only you know about. Then discuss the pros and cons of customizing your approach to intimacy in marriage.

Get Poised for Success
Don’t get hurt while getting pleased. Many couples end up in the emergency room for not being careful during sex. Positioning aids not only help you stay safe, but they also allow you to achieve exciting feats. Reach hidden sweet spots without pulling muscles or putting each other at risk. Then prepare for intimacy by covering the other essential details.

Not sure where to start? Check out our final list.

  • Sex Furniture – Use Liberator sex pillows, wedges, and chairs to support your bodies.
  • Adult Games – Laugh your way into bed with creative activities that build intimacy.
  • Intimacy Kits – Arrive prepared for satisfying sex with your spouse, no hiccups.

Additional positioning aids and preparation items could include sex swings, sex slings, penis pumps, and clitoral pumps. Those products help get your bodies ready for marital marathons.


Letting your spouse know how much you love them and are turned on by them is crucial to a lasting marriage. No matter how close you feel, couples in love can always increase the intimacy between them. This means having open and honest conversations about your expectations, fantasies, and fears.

Demonstrating vulnerability to your lover invites them to fulfill your needs. Use the tips and strategies outlined in this article as inspiration for a happier, healthier marriage. Then visit the Romantic Blessings blog library for more insights on specific topics, plus subscribe to our email list to receive exclusive offers, and be the first to about new products.


christian intimacy products, sex furniture, massage kit for couples

Romantic Blessings believes all married couples should enjoy intimacy the way they see fit. But learning new facts and techniques can be a challenge because sex is still taboo. So, check out our library of Christian-based resources to help you improve your love life and glorify God through a happy marriage. 

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